I was reading Politico.com today (about McCain's new stance on attacking Obama's character since he can't gain any ground on him in any other way) and saw the following conversation:
Kathie Steigerwald, a Dearborn, Michigan businesswoman who said she voted for Hillary Clinton but now plans to support McCain, offered an especially succinct recital of a narrative on which other interviewees offered numerous variations:
"I feel John McCain is a true American and I want to support a true American," she said.
But isn't Obama a "true American?" she was asked.
"I don't know," she said after a measured pause. "I question it."
"I don't know—maybe because of his name?"
Really?? So this is how we are going to vote for the president now? Based on his name? I understand if you don't like a candidate because of his political positions, but can we be a little more knowledgeable than this? (This could lead me into a whole rant about why people believe spending time in a prison camp makes you a better candidate for president. Not attacking McCain here, he suffered horrible things while there, but this line of thought makes no sense to me.) It's no wonder our country is in the mess it is. It's time to pull our collective head out of the sand and take a hard look at what is really happening around he world. Like I've said before, I don't care who an individual votes for. Just make sure you know why.
Kathie Steigerwald, a Dearborn, Michigan businesswoman who said she voted for Hillary Clinton but now plans to support McCain, offered an especially succinct recital of a narrative on which other interviewees offered numerous variations:
"I feel John McCain is a true American and I want to support a true American," she said.
But isn't Obama a "true American?" she was asked.
"I don't know," she said after a measured pause. "I question it."
"I don't know—maybe because of his name?"
Really?? So this is how we are going to vote for the president now? Based on his name? I understand if you don't like a candidate because of his political positions, but can we be a little more knowledgeable than this? (This could lead me into a whole rant about why people believe spending time in a prison camp makes you a better candidate for president. Not attacking McCain here, he suffered horrible things while there, but this line of thought makes no sense to me.) It's no wonder our country is in the mess it is. It's time to pull our collective head out of the sand and take a hard look at what is really happening around he world. Like I've said before, I don't care who an individual votes for. Just make sure you know why.
I don't know about you, but in high school during student body officer elections and stuff? My vote was entirely based on who had the coolest name.
that was funny
she did discredit herself with such a crappy arguement. I agree, is that really the best she could do? thnx for sharin Col.
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