What kind of campaigning do you back?
Look, I know that most people who visit this blog are already going to the polls for McCain this year. But the way things have been going the last few weeks I can't help but post his video as an illustration of why I absolutely can't back the Republicans. I am registered as unaffiliated, but I don't see how out of the two major parties anyone could in good conscience put McCain/Palin (don't even get me started on her) in the White House. I hope someone out there can help me understand why you would want these horrible people in power for another 4 years.
Don't forget to check out Bob Barr (Libertarian) or Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party).
I agree McCain is a bad bad choice. Anyone who wants to be president as bad as he should not be allowed. Can't we have the good old days of forcing someone into office that doesn't want it (i.e. George Washington) because we think they're best suited for the task. However the amount of money and power Obama wants to give the government is scary, and in my opinion not a good idea. I'm at a loss...Mexico anyone???
I'm with Shan. Ex patriot sounds good too me. Ok, really, I wouldn't jump ship {yet} on the land of the brave, I just wish there was just one person running I felt had my country in his heart of hearts. Not his pursuit for power. Scary stuff.
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